Temat: Re: MBSEQ V3 talk
...I saw the need. But then I forgot to bring this into the whishlist. I was astounded that as I asked for it, you were releasing it, that is very odd!!! Especially when you never mentioned it!! :) The recorded note will always be forwarded automatically to the target channel and port. What are your MIDI router settings? Is there any additional forwarding or merging enabled? I am merging the input for my kenton control freak (not sending any clocks etc) and I have IIC1 out to the Kurzweil K2000 rack. Ive left the particular routing settings alone for testing this problem. It seems to be playing the sequence back at at least 8x speed. I havent played with any divider or clock settings. When I plug my TR-909 in place to compare the notes are recorded in time without any problems (no settings changed on kurzweil). The kurzweil picks up the midi clock from the sequencer and syncs to it when recording, same with the 909. If there is anything new you...
Źródło: midibox.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7292
Temat: Cubase SX 3 question
...Ch2 always goes to sid 2 (PC output port 1 ch2) MBSeq Ch3 always goes to sid 2 (PC output port 1 ch3) MBSeq Ch5 always goes to sid 2 (PC output port 1 ch4) MBSeq Ch6 always goes to MS2000 (PC output port 1 ch5) MBSeq Ch7 always goes to EMU Proteus ch 1(PC output port 2 ch1) MBSeq Ch8 always goes to EMU Proteus ch 2(PC output port 2 ch2) MBSeq Ch9 always goes to EMU Proteus ch 3(PC output port 2 ch3) MBSeq Ch10 always goes to Novation Drumstation 3(PC output port 3 ch10) MBSeq Ch11 always goes to Kurzweil K2000 ch 1(PC output port 4 ch1) MBSeq Ch12 always goes to
Źródło: midibox.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=8422
Temat: Co nowego na półce
Przyszły trzy nówki, najnowsza z muzyką sprzed 10 lat. Anthony Braxton i Richard Teitelbaum w duecie. Pierwszego nie trzeba chyba pzredstawiać, drugi jest poszukiwaczem zaginionych dźwięków elektronicznych za pomocą urządzeń typu Kurzweil K2000 czyli syntezator i sampler w jednym. Ciekawe są te dźwięki, czasami Braxton sprawia przy nich wrażenie dość tradycyjne ale co biedak może ze swoimi saksofonami, fletami i klarnetami. Wśród tych ostatnich jest też klarnet kontrabasowy który wydaje chyba tylko dźwięk o jednej wysokości. Bardzo niskiej. Taką muzykę można zjechać jako szum informacyjny, mozna też się zachwycić nieskrępowana wyobraźnią. Ja raczej...
Źródło: hi-fi.com.pl/PHPBB_2_0_6/viewtopic.php?t=9232
Temat: mbSID v2 "live" concept
...would be sufficient it may be a can of worms regarding the patch/ensemble structure, but vca would be useful for other things and maybe more flexible and keep the control count down... if you already gots cvs vca is pretty easy... also, i'm wondering why the menu controls are on the left. i am not left handed, so no one else should be either... Look at other synths - LCD and menu controls are mostly on the left Best Regards, Thorsten. all of these are on the right: kurzweil k2000 roland rd-700 kawai xd-5 mb-6582 quadraverb 2 (hehe ok, not a synth i won't list the other non-synths) if you manipulate with your right hand you don't want it covering the display... maybe a lot of others menu around with left hand while playing righty? or maybe you thought i meant where the lcd is on the panel. i meant where the menu controls are relative to the lcd.
Źródło: midibox.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=9771
Temat: MidiBox Beatbox...combination w/ another project
...this box does so its hardly worth building the project you linked to if you already have an MB64SEQ...I thought the page worthy of bookmarking though :) Thanks.. I do like the idea of a beatbox from one of these things! If you could combine a MB64Seq with a MBSID, you could upload waveforms to the SID's wavetables and fill it with drums and basses :) ... By the time I'm ready for a sound source, the ISA bridge may be ready, and we could use a turtle beach pinnacle card and basically have a Kurzweil K2000 in a box..... But I digress ;D I've mentiond a few times on the forum and have been working extensively with flownez (also on this forum) to find a way to use the MB64 platform to make a step sequencer more along the fruityloops style than the oldschool analog style. I must admit there's some merit in the logic of many people who suggest that I might as well just get an atari or something... But if youre like me, you just dont trust a computer in a live...
Źródło: midibox.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1059
Temat: MIDIBox as Audiomixer
Yeh Flownez thought doing the same trick with the ISA Turtle Beach Pinnacle which basically has a Kurzweil K2000 on it...mmmmmmmm Nomical is also doing something similar with the DB50XG daughterboard. Very cool stuff... Heh, I can see it now... the future... an entirely MIDIBox based studio....ahhh that'd be nice :) I think the only thing that the MIDIBox platform wouldn't be able to help with, is hard disk recording... Anyone got a spare 100 hours they can lend me? ;)
Źródło: midibox.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1235
Temat: Dzwięki - format ogg
biblioteka libsndfile, której Kadu używa do otwierania plików dźwiękowych, nie obsługuje formatu ogg http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/ "> Some of the file formats I am also interested in adding are: * Kurzweil K2000 sampler files. * Ogg Vorbis. * Ogg Speex. * FLAC.
Źródło: kadu.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7534